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Gabriela (Gabby) Mcivor DebateHER Committee Chair

Gabriela McIvor is a current junior at The Spence School, and has been debating since her freshman year of high school. She is the Senior Captain of Spence’s Public Forum Debate Team and has competed in regional, state, and national tournaments, winning multiple quarter and semi-finalist awards at the national level. She loves teaching the newer members of the team how to debate through carefully crafted lesson plans and drills.

As well as debating, Gabriela has a keen interest in medicine and health policy. She pursues these interests in many ways, including through interning at a brain tumor research lab at Weill Cornell, as well as presenting to her peers on controversial health policies. She is a part of numerous organizations and programs to facilitate further exploration of these interests. 

Coming from an all-girls school, Gabriela is outspoken about her love for a female-centered approach to education that champions women’s intellectual abilities; her most important goal through LINK Debate is to instill in female LINK Debaters a resilience that will allow them to remain confident in spaces – like Debate – where gender bias is inherent. 


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Lillian Greene: DebateHER Committee Vice Chair

Lillian Greene is currently a sophomore at The Nightingale Bamford School. She has been debating at Nightingale since the sixth grade. While in high school, she has competed in Public Forum style debate on the regional, state, and national levels. She has competed in National Circuit Tournaments such as the Princeton Invitational, and the Harvard Invitational, where she and her partner were octa finalists. She was an Octa finalist at the New York State Championships last year and will be competing at the State Championships again this year. Through LINK Debate, Lillian hopes to make debate more accessible and to spread enthusiasm about the activity through which she has learned many invaluable lessons and skills and made great memories. 



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Emily Morris: DebateHER Committee Vice Chair

Emily Morris is currently a sophomore at The Nightingale Bamford School and has actively participated in debate since her freshman year of high school. She largely focuses on the Public Forum debate style and has competed at the regional, state, and national levels. Emily regularly competes in regional tournaments and has qualified for the New York State Championships, hosted by the NYSFL, two years in a row and was an Octa finalist. She also competed in the National Circuit Tournaments including the Princeton and Harvard University Tournament where she and her partner were Octa finalists and placed 13th in overall teams. Emily's hope for LINK Debate is to make the activity more accessible and to encourage and uplift girls in the male-dominated world of debate.



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