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Welcome to

L I N K  Debate


LINK Debate aims to inspire students from all backgrounds to pursue debate by fostering conditions where they can strive for excellence. Our team aims to provide accessible online debate resources, free classes, and a supportive community to overcome obstacles caused by socioeconomic circumstances. Additionally, with a special emphasis on women's empowerment through DebateHER, we hope to break down gender barriers in debate. As a team of students, we hope for LINK to be a unique platform from which to share our passion and link students throughout New York City.


Join  Any  Class or Event !

Below are the dates and times for the COMPLETELY FREE debate weekly classes. Find a class to join below!

All levels of experience are accepted!


See All Events ​








If you are just as passionate about debating as we are, become a volunteer or fulfill a leadership role! We are looking for ambitious, responsible, empathetic, and determined volunteers to join our team. Volunteers are able to join multiple roles if they like! We are always accepting volunteers, but join quickly as many high-demand positions fill up quickly!

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Seminar Leader

Seminar leaders help create and lead programming for weekly LINK lessons. Examples of programming include practice debate rounds, how to research a debate topic, and how to ask good questions during crossfire. Seminar Leaders would have to commit to leading one group for at least one hour twice a month. 

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LINK Blog Writer

Writers will write blog posts on topics they suggest or are provided with. They will write posts on anything debate-related: current events, etc. The writer position is very flexible and writers can write as many articles as they please. (Usually an article per person, per month)

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LINK Video Producer

Youtube producers will handle all the editing and video creation of the videos. Videos may be 5-30 minutes long for each topic. Videos are monthly or sometimes bi-monthly depending on topic releases.

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