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Sarah Zhao: President and Co-Founder

Sarah Zhao is a current junior at The Nightingale Bamford School and has been an avid debater since the age of nine. Primarily focusing on the Public Forum style of debate, Sarah has competed in both the regional, state, and national scale. She competes in regional tournaments regularly and has qualified for the New York State Championships hosted by the NYSFL. She has also competed in National Circuit Tournaments including the Harvard, Princeton, and Columbia University Invitational Tournaments while breaking through Yale Invitational’s preliminary rounds. 

Beyond debating, Sarah has an affinity for business and economics and has attended multiple competitive and prestigious programs including those hosted by the Wharton School of Business. Sarah’s goal through LINK Debate is not just to bring quality and accessible resources to promote the activity but to also dismantle the inherent gender bias in male-dominated fields.



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